Auto Coverage – Allen Insurance Group
Third Party Liability
Bodily Injury & Property Damage:
This coverage provides coverage up to the policy limits for bodily injury or property damage, due to your actions that the law holds you or other insured persons responsible for when involved in an automobile incident.
Uninsured Automobile:
Provides coverage for your vehicle when you are not at fault in the accident and the third party does now have auto insurance or the third party is unknown.
Direct Compensation Property Damage:
This section of your policy covers damage to the automobile , their equipment, contents and loss of use of the automobile when the accident takes plane in Ontario with at lest one other automobile that is insured under a motor vehicle liability policy. It is called direct compensation because you will collect from your insurer even though you may not be entirely at fault for the accident.
Physical Damage Coverages:
The insurer will pay for losses other than those covered by Collision or Upset including fire, theft or attempted theft, lightening, windstorm, hail or rising water; earthquake, explosion, riot or civil disturbance, falling or forced landing of aircraft or parts of aircraft or the stranding sinking burning, derailment or collision of any kind of transport in, or upon which a described automobile is being carried on land or water. Also included is falling or flying objects, missiles and vandalism.
Your insurer will pay for losses caused when a described automobile is involved in a collision with another object or tips over. Object includes:
- another automobile that is attached to the automobile,
- the surface of the ground, and
- any object in or on the ground.
All Perils
This option combines the coverages of Collision or Upset and Comprehensive. This coverage also includes loss or damage caused if a person who lives in your household steals a described automobile. Coverage also applies if an employee who drives or uses, services or repairs a described automobile, steals it.
OPCF 44 – Family Protection Coverage
Protects you and eligible members of your family up to the third party liability limit on your policy for compensatory damages if you are injured by an at fault third party who is uninsured, unidentified or carries less insurance than yourself.
OPCF 20 Coverage for Transportation Replacement
It provides coverage for you when you need to pay for other means of transportation because of loss or damage to your automobile caused by a peril for which you are insured. It
Accident Benefits Coverages:
Income Replacement Benefits:
If you cannot work as a result of an Auto accident, you may be eligible for basic weekly income replacement benefits up to $400. Additional limits may be purchased at $600, $800 or $1000 per week.
Medical, Rehabilitation and Attendant Care Benefit:
Covers the cost of reasonable and necessary medical and rehabilitation expenses that are not covered by OHIP or your disability insurance plan. For example: physiotherapy, prescriptions, massage, chiropractic care, accessories like crutches.
Also, pays for an aide or attendant to look after you if you have been seriously injured in an accident subject to the policy limits.
Standard Limits:
- Minor injuries the standard limit is $3,500
- Non- catastrophic injuries the limit is $65,000
- Catastrophic injuries the limit is $1,000,000
- Additional limits may be purchased.
Caregiver Benefit:
If you are providing full time care to dependants and can no longer provide that care as a result of an auto accident, you may be eligible for caregiver benefits to reimburse you for your expenses to hire someone to care for your dependants.
Standard limits provide up to $250 per week for the first dependant, $50 for each additional, available for catastrophic injuries only. Additional coverage can be purchased to make this coverage available for all injuries.
Housekeeping and Home Maintenance Expenses:
If you are unable to perform your usual duties to your injuries, this benefit pays for reasonable and necessary additional expenses for someone to complete your usual duties such as lawn care, snow removal, laundry.
Standard limits provide up to $100 per week for catastrophic injuries only. Additional coverage can be purchased to make this coverage available for all injuries.
Dependant Care
Pays for additional expenses incurred to care for your dependants if you are employed and are injured in an auto accident and unable to care you’re your dependants. This coverage is NOT standard but can be purchased for an additional cost to your Accident Benefits premium.
Death & Funeral Benefit:
If you die as a result of an auto accident, the death benefit provides a lump sum payout to your spouse and your dependants. The funeral benefit provides a lump sum payout to cover the cost of the funeral expenses.
Standard Limits: $25,000 spouse, $10,000 each dependant, $6000 for funeral. Additional limits may be purchased.
Indexation Benefit:
The automatic adjustment of the income replacement benefits, non-earner benefit, attendant care benefit or medical and rehabilitation benefit according to the Consumer Price Index for Canada to compensate for inflation. This coverage is NOT standard but can be purchased for an additional cost to your Accident Benefits premium.
Tort Deductible:
The amount that is deducted from a settlement or court aware for pain and suffering. This coverage is NOT standard but can be purchased for an additional cost to your Accident Benefits premium.